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Tag: blogging

the unbearable lightness … (2)

Two brand new math-related blogs on which you can test my survival prediction :

The EMS Committee on Women and Mathematics Weblog “has the purpose to work as a fact-finding unit exposing the problems and supporting the recognition of achievements of women in mathematics. It is directed to take such actions as it deems appropriate to encourage more women to study mathematics at school level, at university level, and at research level, and to support women mathematicians in the academic positions.”

Timothy Gowers now has a blog called Gowers’s webblog and will no doubt soon change his default about page

Gowers’s post What might an expository mathematical wiki be like? addresses the ongoing discussion (mainly at the n-category cafe and the secret blogging seminar ) of the (dis)advantages of a wiki over a blog to communicate mathematics.

I think a wiki is way better at this, but it is also more problematic to maintain (for example, memory-wise). But then, there is the obvious solution : join Wikipedia! Probably it is a much better time-investment to set-up/modify/update a math-related wikipedia page than to use the volatile blog-format when it comes to explaining mathematics…

I admit, Ive never done this myself but instead spend (too much) time trying to blog about math I like. By chance, I found this sci.math thread on my previous tertra-lattices post, showing the futility of it all. If only these guys would have left a comment then I might have explained it better.

Since then, Im in a sort of a bloggers’ block.


the unbearable lightness of math-blogging

Back from vacation and wanting to know what I’ve missed. Not much, it seems. Hence this rant.
Sit back and relax, I appreciate all hard work done by the few math-bloggers around entertaining thousands of math-lurkers wordwide. Still, I cannot refrain from adding this version of Carly Simon‘s refrein :

“You’re so vain, you probably think this post is about you
You’re so vain, I’ll bet you think this post is about you
Don’t you? Don’t you?”

Let’s start on a positive note. Here is the math-blogpost that touched me most this vacation. But then I’m (old) European, Ive been to their place and even know where they’ve taken their picture, so I’m a big fan of Vivatsgasse 7.

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stalking the Riemann hypothesis

seems to be a neverending (sic) stream of books and posts on the
Riemann hypothesis. A while ago I
wrote about du Sautoy’s The music of primes and over a snow-sparse
skiing holiday I read Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis by Daniel N. Rockmore.
Here’s the blurb

Like a hunter who sees ‘a bit of blood’
on the trail, that’s how Princeton mathematician Peter Sarnak describes
the feeling of chasing an idea that seems to have a chance of success.
If this is so, then the jungle of abstractions that is mathematics is
full of frenzied hunters these days. They are out stalking big game: the
resolution of ‘The Riemann Hypothesis’, seems to be in their sights. The
Riemann Hypothesis is about the prime numbers, the fundamental numerical
elements. Stated in 1859 by Professor Bernhard Riemann, it proposes a
simple law which Riemann believed a ‘very likely’ explanation for the
way in which the primes are distributed among the whole numbers,
indivisible stars scattered without end throughout a boundless numerical
universe. Just eight years later, at the tender age of thirty-nine
Riemann would be dead from tuberculosis, cheated of the opportunity to
settle his conjecture. For over a century, the Riemann Hypothesis has
stumped the greatest of mathematical minds, but these days frustration
has begun to give way to excitement. This unassuming comment is
revealing astounding connections among nuclear physics, chaos and number
theory, creating a frenzy of intellectual excitement amplified by the
recent promise of a one million dollar bountry. The story of the quest
to settle the Riemann Hypothesis is one of scientific exploration. It is
peopled with solitary hermits and gregarious cheerleaders, cool
calculators and wild-eyed visionaries, Nobel Prize-winners and Fields
Medalists. To delve into the Riemann Hypothesis is to gain a window into
the world of modern mathematics and the nature of mathematics research.
Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis will open wide this window so that all
may gaze through it in amazement.

Personally, I prefer
this book over du Sautoy’s. Ok, the first few chapters are a bit pompous
but the latter half gives a (much) better idea of the ‘quantum chaos’
connection to the RH. At the Arcadian Functor, there was the post
Riemann rumbling on
pointing to the book Dr, Riemann’s zeros by Karl Sabbagh.

what Kea wrote I understand it also involves quantum chaos. Im not sure
whether I’ll bother to buy this one though, as one reviewer wrote

I stopped reading this rather fast: it had errors in it,
and while a lovely story for the non-mathematician, for anyone who knows
and loves mathematics (and who else really does buy these books?) it’s
really rather frustrating that, after a few chapters, you’re still not
much clearer on what Reimann’s Hypothesis really is.
Not worth the
money: try The Music of the Primes (utterly brilliant) instead. This
book simply cannot begin to compete.

The last line did it
for me, but then “Des gouts et des couleurs, on ne dispute pas”.
Speaking of which, over at Noncommutative geometry there was a post
by Alain Connes on his approach to the Riemann Hypothesis Le reve mathematique which
some found

A masterpiece of
mathematical blogging, a post by Alain Connes in Noncommutative
Geometry. Strongly recommended.

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bookmarks tuesday cleanup

Geeky Mom : Why am I blogging?
. Been there before. Sooner or later
all non-pseudonomenous bloggers are faced with the same dilemmas.
There’s really no answer or advice to give except : blog when you feel
like it, if not do something different, after all its just one of those
billion of blogs around.

Texmaker : another
LaTeX-frontend, possibly having a few extras such as : a structure-pane
including labels you gave to formulas, theorems etc. (click on them
brings you to them). Intend to use it now as I’m in another rewrite of
the never-ending-book..

Microformats : “Designed for
humans first and machines second, microformats are a set of simple, open
data formats built upon existing and widely adopted standards.” May
have another look.

Quicksilver : a recurring
link. At times when I feel learning key-strokes may save me a lot of
time I have (another) go at Quicksilver. Last week, Ive reinstalled this
blog more or less post by post and used keystrokes to send a line in the
SQL-file of the database dump of NEB as a clipping to Scrivener to
MultiMarkdown it further. I used the app Service Scrubber
to define my own key-strokes. Must have another go at Quicksilver soon.
Im sure it distinguishes ‚”power mac users” from the rest of

List of GTDTools
: a good list of GTD-software. I’m probably just
too chaotic for GTD to improve my workflow but somehow I cannot resist
trying some of these things out.

LifeDEV : One of those sites that tells
me I should take GTD more seriously

DoIt : One of
these GTD-tools. It is said to go well with Quicksilver, so maybe, one

: Here a little seemingly completely useless tool which works well (at
least for me). No, it does not make you think, but at least it helps you
while you are thinking (or doing anything a bit focussed). Install it
and enjoy! The principle is that it just blocks out all other open
windows (and there are keystrokes (yes, again) to get you quickly in
and out.) Besides, it looks great. It’s in my dock and this says it

Thinkature :
a brainstorming tool. Dont know why I did bookmark this. Perhaps one
day, a few years from now

Stafford Talk :
a talk by Toby Stafford I came across by accident. Maybe there are other
interesting talks on the site?

Science Scouts : a great
idea! Give yourself badges for how well you do science (or talk/write
about science). Have to collect my badges soon. I’m sure this only
works for people with a scouting-history, but who

MacResearch : Here’s a site
that may become useful. is an open and independent
community for scientists using Mac OS X and related hardware in their
research. It is the mission of this site to cultivate a knowledgeable
and vibrant community of researchers to exchange ideas and information,
and collectively escalate the prominence of Apple technologies in the
scientific research community. They have some interesting articles
and tutorials on e.g. DevonThink and BibDesk etc. Worth to

Jennifer in love : well‚ should I say something about this?
probably best not.

Breakthrough CLI
: another pamphlet in favor of the Command Line! A
must read for those who perfer GUIs to CLIs.


p>CLI – the
: Rod is working hard on CLI-20. Whenever he releases version
2.0, neverendingbooks will be among the first sites to run it. I still
love the idea.

Why do I bother? : an n-category post I got briefly interested in,
but was somehow flooded by professional

Newton Legacy Reviewed : just that, a first review
on the next bookmark.

the Newton
: a free online book, a murder mystery with a physics touch.
Perhaps this is the best investment of time/energy : write a popular
science book rather than another paper. Read half way through it (sorry
but not the best prose Ive read so far), may continue but was held up
reading a (real) murder mystery Equinox featuring also Newton and
alchemy (must be in the air somehow), also not the best mystery read
so far

Stalking with Googleearth
: no comment

(to be continued)

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ccdantas on blogging

As if I
didnt yet have enough doubts about whether to continue this blog or not,
one of the few people who (imo) did a truly magnificent job decided to
stop her blogging activities right after celebrating her first
blog-anniversary. Christine C. Dantas
maintained Christine’s
Background Independence
, a blog dedicated to quantum gravity, and
motivated her decision to stop as follows :

Hello all.
Here are the facts,
before too much speculation runs wild…
Yes, the blog
is “dead”. The main reason is that I do not have the right
temperament to be in the middle of so much polemics. Yes, I had fun with
the blog and got a lot from it. But lately, although I wanted to make it
seem that everything was all right in its first year anniversary, things
were not that good, at least, not to me.
First, a major
Brazilian journal posted (for the first time here in Brazil) a large
article (with front page) about the current polemics in string theory.
Some weeks earlier, a journalist (the author of the article) contacted
me asking me to help him on the jargon and to correct possible mistakes
and misunderstandings. The article is a review on Smolin’s new
book and also contains an interview with him. I have made some
corrections (as well as another Brazilian physicist working with strings
did, as I came to learn afterwards). The published article, however,
includes a part that was not in the original draft sent for me to
review. It indicates that there are hot discussions over blogs and cites
(including the corresponding links) the blogs of a physics Harvard
professor (you know well who) and my blog, and makes it appear we are
both fighting each other over the web uneducatelly.
Bert Schroer wrote a paper specially for the the blog anniversary.
Although I felt that some parts were too harsh and unfortunate, I still
believed that it would be interesting to make it available, since there
was also a scientific content that could be of value. In fact, I was
interested to read the constructive comments of readers in these
specific scientific parts. However, after posting it over at my blog, I
soon realized it was too polemic and was already causing a strong
reaction, specially from people I have high consideration, like Bee, and
she was right on what she wrote. Although it was clear that
Schroer’s post was not mine and that I did not necessarily agree
with his points of view, I felt embarrassed and sad. (You see, I do not
have the right temperament for “living in the
These recent past occurences,
plus several other during the past year of its existence, and other
internal pressures, made me realize I was not willing to go on with the
blog, although I understand that it was useful and interesting not only
for me but also for some of you out there.
I’ve made
a (partial) copy of the blog and deleted it from the server. I do not
wish the whole content to be available anymore, so I left no major
traces. I just left Oriti’s contribution because I wanted to do so
and felt it was a right thing to do.
All things come to an
end, so now it seemed to be a good time.
I am a quiet
person, and wish to go back to my quiet life, to my quiet readings and
Thank you, I’ll continue visiting PF, I
enjoy greatly this place.
wishes, Christine

In fact, the whole
thread at PF
is pretty interesting reading, as is the parallel
comment section at Not Even
. Trying to maintain a non-anonymous blog makes you
much more vulnerable than you want. It is always easy to criticize (and
even laugh at) people who express their opinion, thoughts and trivia.
Keeping your mouth shut and your ideas to yourself is generally
considered a much better career move. So, why should one
continue with a science blog? Perhaps the ultimate reason is contained
in Christine’s follow-up comment

I have
created the blog and I have destroyed it. It was just a blog. It was
useful, nice, interesting? Good, I am happy I did something
useful in this life!
Now it’s gone, like many things in
life I suppose…
All the
best, Christine

That’s what it all
should be about, trying to make a positive contribution somehow, even
when you sometimes feel like being the court jester, entertaining the
voyeuristic (and gossipy) masses at maths and physics departments all
around the world…

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writing with gloves on

Okay, let’s have it out in the open :

I’m officially diagnosed as being depressed by both PD1 and PD2!

Coming from the two top experience-experts on my mood swings, I’d better take this
seriously. So, do they come up with an explanation for this ‘depression’?

PD1 blames it on the celebrated mid-life-crisis which in her world is merely the generic phrase uttered when a parent does something ‘odd’.

If thePartner wants to spend some time among old friends, or wants to get involved in community work, it’s called ‘mid-life crisis’.

When both of us join a demonstration for the first time in over a decade, it’s MLC etc. etc.

In recent years I heard her say the MLC- phrase often enough referring to her friends’ parents and thePartner but somehow I always got away, until recently…

PD2 blames it on my turning 48 last week, a fact I cannot deny but then, what’s so special about 48? I don’t get it.

Feeble as their explanations may be, they still may have a point. Sure, some losses do affect me. Some recent, some imminent, some unfortunately permanent, some hopefully temporary…

I realise this is a bit cryptic to the uninitiated, but then I’ve given up writing about personal stuff a long time ago (to the dismay of PD2 who would welcome more web-presence when self-googling…).

But wait… Hey, that may be part of the problem :

I’ve given up writing about so many things recently that there’s hardly anything sufficiently interesting left to write about.

In the post-Dutroux scare I did remove all pictures and references to our daughters from my web-pages, for you don’t want to know the weirdos that have a look at it and you definitely do not want to think about what they might do when they obtain my address from the university web-page….

Surely a valid point. So, away with all writing about personal stuff.

Then, more recently (and I hope at least some of you noticed it…) I’ve imposed a ban on critical postings about people or events going on in noncommutative algebra/geometry. The reason behind this decision is personal, so if I didnt tell you in private you’ll never find it here.

Speaking about this with Paul Smith at the last Oberwolfach, he had an hilarious reply.

“I wouldn’t say you were critical. I’d say you are sometimes pretty intense and I love it, as long as I’m not on the receiving end…”

But see, that’s just the problem. Mathematicians are so vane that there is always someone who feels to be on the receiving end!

Let’s say, hypothetically speaking, that I write a somewhat critical post about the ongoing cluster-algebra hype, we all know some people who will not like it. Ditto about (again hypothetically…) symplectic-reflection algebras, ditto about etc. etc.

Compare this with the entertaining about-life-or-death fights going on in physics-blogs. If you don’t know what I’m talking about and want to have a good laugh, have a go at the comments to this Not Even Wrong Post.

Possibly, I should come to terms with the fact that blogging is an activity which will never be tolerated by the autism-enriched environment of mathematicians and that I should just give it up.

Or, perhaps, I should regain my writing-freedom and blog about whatever I feel strongly about at that particular moment in time (and remember, I do suffer from violent mood-swings so these opinions may change overnight…), be it critical or if you want ‘intense’, and hope that not too many will think they are on the receiving end…

I realize that I will sometimes be accused of ‘jealousy’, sometimes of being ‘frustrated’. But, let’s face it : bottling up one’s frustrations, that’s precisely the thing that leads to a genuine depression…

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subscribe to my brain

rather, I’d like to subscribe to your brain! But I figure you’d allow
this (at best) only on a ‘share-alike’ basis so let me take the first
step. Maybe you already have your newsaggregator pointed to this
weblog, but what if you could be able to follow all traces I leave on
the web (or at least those you feel like following)? It’s a great idea
which started off with a couple of posts. Like John Resig’s Life as RSS

A little while ago I began to realize just how much of my personal
information is digitally created every day. This is both scary and
enticing (to me). Scary, due to the fact that people can harness this
information for evil/marketing. Enticing because I should be able to
(theoretically) harness this information to provide a better user
experience for the people who care (me and my friends, I assume). So,
the other day I sat down and tried to figure out every accessible data
medium that I generate and have access to.
… My masterplan:
Essentially, an RSS aggregator (makes sense, nothing special) that pulls
all of my personal RSS feeds into one place and provides an overall
statistical view of the information that it contains. I may even provide
some detailed information, save for things in the ‘Personal’ category.
What I like about this is the fact that most of this information is
completely public (or is possible to make completely public) – they’re
all using common/widely available programs or tools. So, stage one: Set
up a personal life browser – stage two: Open it up for the world to play

soon to be followed upp by Lost Boy’s My Life in
and continued by Louche Cannon I want to subscribe
to your brain

The other day I was talking to a former
colleague and I was trying to explain how I have gradually switched to
using an assortment of social content tools as my primary mechanism for
finding relevant and authoritative information on the web. With these
tools, I can subscribe to an assortment of RSS feeds produced by people
who I trust and think of as authorities in their respective subjects. In
short, I said, “I can subscribe to their brains”.
Or at least I
can in theory! At the moment, for those of non-geekly tendencies, the
practicalities of “subscribing to somebody’s brain” are a little
daunting. If you have an RSS-aware browser or have installed one of the
useful bookmarklets provided by the likes of bloglines, then subscribing
to individual RSS feeds is relatively easy. The problem is that I might
be interested subscribing to:
– What person X is blogging
– What person X is bookmarking- on several social bookmarking sites
(e.g., CiteULike, Furl)
– What person X is listening
to (e.g. AudioScrobbler)
– What person X is taking pictures of
(e.g. Flickr)
– What person X’s travel schedule is (e.g. iCal)

– What books X is reading or planning on reading (e.g. Amazon
wish lists)
The first problem is finding out what feeds person
X provides. Most of the time you have to ask them, or search through the
individual services for the person’s name. If you are dealing with a
relatively clued-in person, you might be lucky enough to find links to
their various feeds off of their home page or in the margins of their
blogs. If you are dealing with an uber-geek, then you might find this
information encoded in their FOAF file. All that seems to be missing is
the button titled “Subscribe to X’s Brain”.

While it is
still a Work In Progress (and will continue to be for some time as I’d
like to get used to the idea and explore its possibilities) you’ll find
a button to ‘subscribe to my brain’ on the buttom left. Look out for
this :
Click on it and you’ll stare at a text-file. Save it to your desktop,
fire up your Newsaggregator (which I assume is something like NetNewsWire ). Look under
‘File’ for ‘Import Subscriptions’ and open the saved
BrainLeBruynL.opml-file. It will make a folder with name the present
date&time but you can always rename the folder to something like
‘Lieven’s brain’… Then you will look at something like
will give you a pretty good idea of what I was upto just now (posting a
few references on Cuntz and Berest to CiteULike while listening to Rebekka Bakken via iTunes. If
you’ll open up the folder you get an even clearer picture which tells
you that since last time I’ve posted three new references to CiteULike,I
listened to at least 10 new songs (Audioscrobbler only remember the last
10 ones) and that there is one new post here! You can also check on my
recent bookmarks at and over the next few weeks you may also
detect activity in a few other places (and I may add an arXiv scraper
just in case you think I’m not posting there anymore). Clearly, it is
up to you to unsubscribe to those regions of my brain you don’t care to
follow but the overall picture may give you a pretty accurate picture of
my present ‘state of mind’. In the coming posts I’ll take you through
the process of setting up a ‘subscribe to my brain’ for yourself and
I’ll explore (for myself) some of the possible uses of this scheme. The
ultmate aim being to see buttons like appear on
your site as well!


Latexrender and dvonn boards

In order
to blog a bit about Dvonn-strategy, I made myself a simple Dvonn
LaTeX-template which works very well on paper but which gets mutilated
by Latexrender, for example the first situation of the looks

$~\xymatrix@=.3cm @!C @R=.7cm{ & & \Black{2} \connS & &
\bull{d}{5} \conn & & \bull{e}{5} \conn & & \bull{f}{5} \conn & &
\bull{g}{5} \conn & & \bull{h}{5} \conn & & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite
\connS & & \SWhite \conneS & & \\ & \bull{b}{4} \conn & & \SBlack
\connS & & \Black{6} \connS & & \bull{e}{4} \conn& & \bull{f}{4} \conn &
& \bull{g}{4} \conn & & \bull{h}{4} \conn & & \SWhite \connS & &
\SWhite \connS & & \SWhite \conneS & \\ \SBlack \connbeginS & &
\SBlack \connS & & \BDvonn{7} \connS & & \bull{d}{3} \conn & & \SBlack
\connS & & \BDvonn{6} \connS & & \bull{g}{3} \conn & & \bull{h}{3}
\conn & & \Dvonn \connS & & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite \connendS \\ &
\Black{5} \connbeginS & & \bull{b}{2} \conn & & \SBlack \connS & &
\bull{d}{2} \conn & & \bull{e}{2} \conn & & \bull{f}{2} \conn & &
\bull{g}{2} \conn & & \bull{h}{2} \conn & & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite
\connendS & \\ & & \bull{a}{1} \con & & \bull{b}{1} \con & & \Black{5}
\conS & & \bull{d}{1} \con & & \bull{e}{1} \con & & \bull{f}{1} \con & &
\bull{g}{1} \con & & \bull{h}{1} \con & & \White{2} & &} $

reason behind this unwanted clipping is that Latexrender uses
**convert** to take the relevant part of a ps-page containing only the
TeXed formula on an empty page by performing clipping and then converts
it into a GIF-file (or any other format you desire). The obvious way
round this is to enlarge my template by adding two additional rows and
columns and putting visible nonsense there (such as dots) to enlarge the
relevant part so that no clipping is done of essential info. But then
(1) the picture generated becomes even larger than that above and (2) I
don’t want you to see the extra nonsensical dots… The essential line
in the **class.latexrender.php** file is

$command =
$this->_convert_path." -density ".$this->_formula_density.
" -trim -transparent \"#FFFFFF\" ".$this->_tmp_filename.".ps ".

I needed to delve into the [manual pages for the convert command](
of the ImageMagick-package. To my surprise, the *-trim* option (which I
thought to adjust somewhat by adding parameters) doesn’t exist! Still, I
got around my second problem using the *crop* option and around the
first by using the very useful *geometry* option. The latter is also
useful if you find that the size of the output of Latexrender is not
compatible with the size of your regular text. Of course you can amend
this somewhat by using the *extarticle* documentclass (as suggested) but
if you want to further adjust it, use for example


to size the output to exactly 86% (or whatever you need).
So, whenever I want to do some Dvonn-blogging from now on I’ll change my
class.latexrender.php file as follows

$command =
$this->_convert_path." -crop 0x0-10% -crop 0x0+10% -density
".$this->_formula_density. " -geometry 80%
-transparent \"#FFFFFF\" ".$this->_tmp_filename.".ps ".

produces the output

$\xymatrix@=.3cm @R=.7cm{.& & & & & & & & & &
& & & \\ & & & \Black{2} \connS & & \bull{d}{5} \conn & & \bull{e}{5}
\conn & & \bull{f}{5} \conn & & \bull{g}{5} \conn & & \bull{h}{5} \conn
& & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite \conneS & & & \\ & &
\bull{b}{4} \conn & & \SBlack \connS & & \Black{6} \connS & &
\bull{e}{4} \conn& & \bull{f}{4} \conn & & \bull{g}{4} \conn & &
\bull{h}{4} \conn & & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite
\conneS & & \\ & \SBlack \connbeginS & & \SBlack \connS & &
\BDvonn{7} \connS & & \bull{d}{3} \conn & & \SBlack \connS & &
\BDvonn{6} \connS & & \bull{g}{3} \conn & & \bull{h}{3} \conn & &
\Dvonn \connS & & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite \connendS & . \\ & &
\Black{5} \connbeginS & & \bull{b}{2} \conn & & \SBlack \connS & &
\bull{d}{2} \conn & & \bull{e}{2} \conn & & \bull{f}{2} \conn & &
\bull{g}{2} \conn & & \bull{h}{2} \conn & & \SWhite \connS & & \SWhite
\connendS & & \\ & & & \bull{a}{1} \con & & \bull{b}{1} \con & &
\Black{5} \conS & & \bull{d}{1} \con & & \bull{e}{1} \con & &
\bull{f}{1} \con & & \bull{g}{1} \con & & \bull{h}{1} \con & & \White{2}
& & & \\ . & & & & & & & & & & & & & } $

which (I hope) you will
find slightly better…

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With the
translating help of Juan Cuadra, a shortened version of
this post did
appear in the Spanish newspaper La Voz de Almeria. Juan
graciously send me the whole newspaper, probably hoping to prepare me
for my stay in Granada!

After a
long period of sickness and frantic writing, I may just have the energy
to start blogging again on a regular basis. For starters, I re-opened
this site for (human) comments. Bots will find it hard to enter the
required 6-character code, transcribing the phonetic data. So for
example, if you see something written like ‚”upper-eye six upper-eye
upper-en upper-are three” I hope you will understand that you are
expected to enter the code I6INR3. If you encounter problems with this
plugin, please email

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